Announcing- TOTHEMOON UNIVERSE Mint Week

3 min readDec 1, 2021


Arrival on the moon is finally upon us! We would like to thank all Cryptonauts, who have been readying themselves for launch, for their enthusiasm and patience. In honor of the official launch of The Market on TOTHEMOON, we will be holding a special, week-long event called, “TOTHEMOON UNIVERSE Mint Week”. This event will take place from Monday December 13th to Sunday December 19th.

Schedule is as follows:

Monday December 13th — Official Launch of The Market on TOTHEMOON

Tuesday December 14th — TOTHEMOON Item NFT Airdrops to Neo addresses that minted a Neoverse N3 Element NFT piece. (a gift from us to you-Happy Holidays!).

Wednesday December 15th — AMA inside TOTHEMOON’s Discord Space Station. (5PM UTC)

Join now: *NFT Prizes to be won*

Thursday December 16th — Moon Baby “New Moon” Collection Mint

Total Mint Supply: 100

Mint Price: 50 Gas

Friday December 17th — Moon Trainer “New Moon” Collection Mint

Total Mint Supply: 200

Mint Price: 25 Gas

Saturday December 18th — Cryptonaut “New Moon” Collection Mint

Total Mint Supply: 2,500

Mint Price: 10 Gas

Sunday December 19th — Moon Creature “New Moon” Collection Mint (8PM UTC)

Total Mint Supply: 5,000

Mint Price: 10 Gas

* Please note, N3 GAS is the required currency for minting each of the NFT collections above.

* The time for the mints will be determined via a public poll on our twitter from Monday December 6th to December 10th.

Follow now:

Wallet Support

Current wallets that will be compatible for The Market on TOTHEMOON are as follows:

* The Minting Process requires users to be on a desktop.

Minting Process

Collectors will be able to choose which Character Category to mint, in which they will receive a randomly generated Character NFT from the designated supply. The mints will be completed on a first come, first serve basis. To ensure a higher chance of a successful mint of your desired TOTHEMOON characters, please be prepared and available for the start of the minting dates/times.


Each Character obtained will reward collectors with both Item NFT and TTM Token Airdrops.

The Market on TOTHEMOON

The Market on TOTHEMOON will be open for secondary transactions immediately after mint. Buying and Selling will be available first, with the options for trades/swaps and auctions to follow in Early Q1 2022.

A reward system will be set up shortly after launch to reward collectors for transactions on The Market on TOTHEMOON.

Be prepared for several surprises, contests & events leading up to, and during TOTHEMOON UNIVERSE Mint Week. This year, the holidays will be out of this world!

See you all on the moon!

Visit the TOTHEMOON website

Follow TOTHEMOON Mission Control on Twitter @TTM_Universe

Hop on board the Space Stations & become a Cryptonaut: Discord/Telegram





TOTHEMOON UNIVERSE NFT collectors will engage with our Metaverse and be a part of a once in a lifetime experience. This is a new-age society..

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