CYCLE 1: Waxing Gibbous — The Ultimatum

10 min readNov 13, 2024


Hey Mom, Dad & Margot.

I know that’s a weird way to start an email, but it feels even weirder starting with “Dear”. Kind of like I’m applying to a job at “your fine establishment” or approaching you with a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”, so “Hey” will just have to do, but even that feels strange. I mean, how am I supposed to greet you when there’s just so much to say. If only “Hey” could explain everything that has happened since I got here.

And there we have it, I have wasted 78 words on explaining my greeting of choice. I was always one to ramble. Mom always said it’s because my mouth can’t keep up with my brain so it just goes off trying to make up for it. I guess she’s right.

To get to the stuff I should have begun with- I miss you. I miss you all very much. I hope business is great and Margot, you better be following my footsteps and doing well in school. Though, I wouldn’t want you to get into finance. Way too boring for you. Hey, it was too boring for me…so boring I ran off to the moon! Couldn’t get far enough from the corporate stock exchange. No market talk over here. Bull, bear- I don’t care! That rhymes.

You’re probably all wondering how I’ve been doing. Well, if you couldn’t tell from my lack of regret leaving my job, I am doing great! Never felt so fulfilled!

Right from the start, I made amazing friends- my fellow trainers. ZIN, UZI, and WYN. ZIN is a moon terrain master. She is as skilled as can be when it comes to handling the landscape. Not only that, she is one of the kindest souls I’ve ever met. Her creature is Tadeo, a turtle! Oh, I forgot to mention, us trainers get our own special creature! Tadeo is astute and never misses a beat. Then there’s UZI. He’s a suave guy with unwavering confidence. Sometimes, I think I could use more of that sureness he’s got so much of. But I will say, he is fortunate that his benevolent parrot, Posey offers a balance to their duo. She is pure grace. WYN always knows how to go with the flow of things. She doesn’t force anything, which is why everyone looks to her for guidance. She’s also hilarious, which works well in contrast with her crab, Clause. He’s always got a solid hold on things…must be those piercing claws! Ahaha! Dad, I know you like that joke. And me, you ask? Well, of course I got the one, the only, Malaki. We are a match made in heaven. Constantly joking around, this monkey and I are always down to explore. It’s what we do best. He also encourages me to think less and do more! I guess it’s the child-like excitement in him.

So as you can see, I’m in good company and doing well. Mom, you can finally take a breath. I know you haven’t since I’ve left. In fact, take a break from reading, go have a drink…dinner maybe?…Then come back later because what I’m about to share with you may not be as reassuring.


Gosh, ALL CAPS really take away the relaxing vibe I wanted that message to have.

Fine, if you don’t feel like doing something relaxing, then go do something to keep your mind busy.

MOM- go clean the living room

DAD- work on the car in the garage

MARGOT- go do some dance challenge online


I HOPE YOU LISTENED. If you didn’t, well, too bad. You lost your chance because here it goes:

We’ve been given an ultimatum.

Either we leave the moon and never return or stay and never leave.

You’re wondering what I have decided, I’m sure. Well, the truth is I have no idea. That’s why I’m writing this email- talking it out with you all, like I do with every major crossroad. By the end of it, I must reach my decision. This is the only way we can make the choice together.

Now, I know you’re all wondering why this ultimatum has been issued? Well, it all started with this new generation of Cryptonauts. I know. I know. It’s so easy to blame the Cryptonauts for everything but hear me out, they can be a bit careless. But like every story there’s always more to it, so buckle up and listen down. No, scratch that. Reverse it. Oh, whatever.

So upon the new Cryptonaut’s arrival, we all get building the new moon infrastructures. This generation’s tasks include Moon Base HQ, Reservoir, Greenhouse, Creature Lab, Power Plant, Gas Station, Mining Facility, Observatory, Communication Tower, Gravity Zone, Research Lab and Oxygen Center. Now that’s an ambitious list, right? Well, each infrastructure is completely necessary to the function of our colony, particularly when it comes to keeping the Moon Creatures alive and well.

This is the final generation of Moon Creatures so caring for them properly is even more important than it was before. This is perhaps the most special generation we’ve ever had. They are the most evolved and therefore require the most work. It’s evolution. Can’t be changed.

In fact, in order to gain the respect of this generation, one must own the previous three generations! They like to play hard to get. Dad, I’m sure you know how that feels. I hear Mom was way out of your league. Well, anyways, you get the picture. Creatures are hard to care for but super important to care for properly…AKA the pressure is on to get these infrastructures up and running quickly, but also perfectly.

Now, the way it works is the Cryptonauts build the infrastructures with wood from trees, special black sand from caves, rocks from craters, caves and mountains, heavy water from the lakes and some other special resources like mushrooms, fossils and stones, but more on resources later on. I’m getting ahead of myself.

A couple days ago, some Cryptonatus are in the newly finished Greenhouse planting seeds for the Moon Creature’s food- Special Moon Berries and Special Moon Plants- when the ground begins to shake and a strange, steady sound approaches. Turns out it’s a stampede of incoming wild mammoths! Giant wild creatures are supposed to be kept far from crucial infrastructures, such as the Greenhouse, but clearly, someone didn’t do their job. Through an act of the universe, they miss the Greenhouse, but their impact causes every filled Water Can- exactly 3791- to fall over. Now, these are nothing like your average cans. The spill floods the entire greenhouse! Water- everywhere! Plants- drowned! At this point, it’s clear the creatures won’t have food for months!

Us trainers get the distress call and we try to get the situation under control as quickly as possible, mopping away, when out of thin air the new Moon Baby’s appear- LOCK, COMT, ZION and FOMI. They look better than ever, but also angrier than ever.

LOCK, holding her blocks holds nothing back-

“Each infrastructure and the tools that go with it are specially designed with efficiency in mind to yield the most desired results. We will not have their effectiveness compromised by carelessness.” Oh ya, just your average baby talk.

“How did you guys know?” A Cryptonaut interrupts.

ZION bursts into laughter.

“These specs.”

He takes off his glasses.

“I see everything on the moon. Real time, bro.”

“Oh. Oops.” says the Cryptonaut.

“Yeah, oops is right. Forget about how we know and start focusing on saving the creatures. They’ll be gone if you don’t fix this and FAST.” ZION responds.

“I don’t think you realize it, but if something happens to the creatures, something happens to all of us. The entire universe. But hey, no pressure.” LOCK adds.

COMT takes out his binky from his mouth to say, “You guys just need to come together and work harder. You can do it. We believe in you.”

“Do we?” Jokes ZION.

FOMI, the baby sitting on a moon device, says nothing. I can tell she’s holding back and that’s what worries me.

“We do. You don’t have much time, so you better get to work. But remember, anything is possible.” says ZION. They all disappear.

This is bad. We run the risk of our creatures dying. I can’t imagine the moon without Malaki. I guess I wouldn’t have to because there would be no moon.

The next day, a miracle happens. While checking in on the explorers in the caves- we strike gold. Not literal gold but it may as well be. Massive amounts of Special black sand. Then over in the craters they find extra electric mushrooms, followed by an extraordinary surplus of lithium moon rocks in the mountains. What a day it was. Now, these are nothing new, they are already used to power the existing infrastructures, however, we found so much that we won’t have any problem giving the Greenhouse the temporary power boost it needs to quickly regrow the food lost in the flood. Now, I wasn’t going to mention it, but the idea to use alternative power came from yours truly. Not that it’s super crucial to the story or anything, but you can all be a little proud of me right about now.

So let me wrap this up. Stop getting distracted, guys. I don’t have much time to decide. In summary, we saved the day. The Moon Plants grew back faster than their usual growth rate. The creatures got their food. Everyone’s happy, right? Wrong.

Just when we start celebrating a job well done at the Greenhouse, FOMI rides in on her device. She’s got a powerful presence that can’t go unnoticed.

“Congratulations. You worked together to get something done. But-”

I knew there was a but.

“But that something wouldn’t have had to be done if people did their jobs correctly in the first place- with care and pride…and that’s what’s lacking. There is not enough of a sense of ownership within the colony when it comes to infrastructures and therefore dare I say, the creatures as well.”

Uh oh. Here it comes.

“We have issued an ultimatum. You either show your commitment by staying and never leaving or leaving and never returning to the moon. You have a day. Now, I got a big bottle of moon milk waiting for me. FOMI out.”

And just like that she disappears. Silence fills the air and stays that way for a while.

So here I am. That was yesterday. A decision must be made today. I can’t imagine having to leave but I also can’t imagine NEVER leaving…at least for a visit. It’s not that I miss planet earth, but I miss you guys. What would life be like knowing I could never see you again…in the flesh? Sure there are so many ways to communicate at a distance but nothing will feel the same as mom’s hugs, or fishing on the lake with dad, or teasing Margot about her crush. Nothing would ever be the same….

But on the other hand, the moon has become my home. The friends I have made have become family. Of course they won’t replace my real one, but I have found something here. I’ve found a purpose, and that’s what’s key, that I found something for myself. Each person is responsible for creating their own path and that’s something you have always instilled in me. You know, branching out, finding my own way. And I have definitely taken my time doing so, but in coming here, I feel like I did it. Like I found it. It will be hard to look back at all I leave behind, but I think it would be much harder to go back and remember all that could have possibly been.

If I go back, I know exactly what awaits me. If I stay, the universe can surprise me.

I love you all more than words can say but I have to follow my own path. Your advice has never led me wrong and I don’t think it will start now.

With Love,


P.S. IT WAS A TEST!!!! The Moon Babies issued the ultimatum as a test to rid of those that chose to leave! You’re all welcome to visit! Thank you! Thank you for helping me make the right choice! I hope to see you soon. Maybe for Christmas?! Mom, bring your cookies!

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